Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'm in love with it! <3!

Recently,I just read another Malay novel entitled aA +bB by Hlovate.At first, I refused to read it because biasa lah kan,novel-novel ni kan tebal.Especially novel melayu yang penuh dengan ayat-ayat berbunga. Even novel 'The Pearl' yang wajib baca tu pun tak habis lagi. haha. But Along encouraged me very much and luckily,I didn't regret it at all! Although it took a few days for me to finish it off! :) Thanx a bunch to Along for introducing this novel yeah! This novel is highly recommanded untuk orang yang benci jiwang jiwang seperti saya!

Something that makes this book totally different from other Malay novels:-

~Realistic! It really potrays what's happening in our life.Bukan asyik nak ber'jiwang' je like other typical Malay novels.

~The characters of BENZ ALIF SULAIMAN and NUR ADDIN SHAH itself.ouh..I loved it to the max! :)

~The settings,story line and everything! ouh..excellent and superb job Hlovate! :)
Few sentences caught my eyes when reading this novel :-
*Semua orang belajar,semua orang membesar; tetapi tidak semua orang menjadi dewasa. Selagi hidup bersama masa, maka selagi itu juga yang hidup itu dewasa bersama usia.
*Membesar dan belajar dengan pengetahuan sera pengalaman adalah suatu cabaran.
*Membesar dan belajar tentang hidup serta mengenal diri sendiri adalah suatu hakikat yang tidak dapat dielak.
p/s: maaf jika saya kelihatan terlalu obses ye.tapi saya sangat suka! double thumbs up! :)


Ano said...

aA+bB teramat2 lah best..=)

Muhajirah said...

ehm ehm. agak obses di sini. hahaha. cepat blanje along kolej tunas!

Amal Hayati said...

@ ano: tau xpe.best gle!

@ along: kolej tunas? err.lack of money.haha