He is soooooooooooooooooooooo gorgeous and awesome and cool ;)
Will I be given a chance to meet him someday pleasssssssssssssse?
I rarely being obsessed with actor/actress but this is my very first time I guess. HAHA.
Anyways, while I was watching GG just now,I found out something really interesting..
that is..
How Americans act when they are in a relationship.
- They still call their gf/bf with their own name. Eg: Nate,Blair, Chuck, Serena. Unlike we Malaysians, we usually use `sayang, hubby, bee, hunny and whatsoever' (Sorry,I'm not expert on this thingy)
- They don't text their gf/bf 24 hours like we Malaysians do. Like every minute we need to ask, tengah buat ape? dah makan ke belum? bla bla bla.And this is so not cool okay!
- They didn't have to do super saver or all those things so that they can talk all night long.
But they still managed to have a good relationship :)
I didn't mean to offense anyone but somehow I think this way of relationship is way way way COOLER than what we usually practised here in Malaysia. I may not have those lovey dovey experience but I really think this is pretty COOL! =)
Don't you feel the same way or I'm just too exaggerating?
org melayu skrg nk berak pon bgtau..nasib baik ak org dulu2..hehe
but fyi, he's mine. fullstop!
thankies yawww :)(:
i like this post. esp time comparisons tu. haha terbaikkkk! :D
i like this post. esp time comparisons tu. haha terbaikkkk! :D
@maro: hahah.ade ke?yelah cik leman oii.kau mmg org dulu2 :P
@angah: eh asl pulak? hang amek chuck tu.dh g maen jauh2.
@ atai: kan kan? hehe
selamat hari raya!
maaf sume salah silap.
p/s: check out my new blog.
insha allah mahu serius dalam berdakwah. =)
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